Research Article
Understanding Problem-Based Learning and its Application in Learning Mathematics Concepts Among Pre-Service Teachers

Eric S. Boye , Douglas D. Agyei

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Boye ES, Agyei DD. Understanding problem-based learning and its application in learning mathematics concepts among pre-service teachers. . 2024;5(1):51-65. doi: 10.12973/ejmse.5.1.51
Boye, E. S., & Agyei, D. D. (2024). Understanding problem-based learning and its application in learning mathematics concepts among pre-service teachers. European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 5(1), 51-65.
Boye Eric S., and Douglas D. Agyei. "Understanding Problem-Based Learning and its Application in Learning Mathematics Concepts Among Pre-Service Teachers," European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education 5, no. 1 (2024): 51-65.
Boye, ES & Agyei, D 2024, 'Understanding problem-based learning and its application in learning mathematics concepts among pre-service teachers', European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 51-65. Boye, Eric S., and Douglas D. Agyei. "Understanding Problem-Based Learning and its Application in Learning Mathematics Concepts Among Pre-Service Teachers." European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, vol. 5, no. 1, 2024, pp. 51-65,


Learning to teach mathematics has become crucial since its application in real life cannot go unmentioned. The desire of mathematics education researchers to make mathematics concepts easier for pre-service teachers to easily understand has attracted attention. This has become indispensable since after college, pre-service teachers are deployed from K-12 to assist learners in understanding mathematics concepts. The study aimed to ascertain how improvement in the learning of mathematics concepts using the Problem-based learning (PBL) approach could be understood and/or explained among pre-service teachers. This was viewed in two folds: how improvement in learning outcomes using the PBL approach could be explained; and how pre-service teachers’ disposition about the PBL could be explained/understood. Exploratory case study design involving qualitative and quantitative data was concurrently gathered and used. This involved the use of data collection instruments such as focus group discussion, pre-post-test scores, PBL observation protocol, and PBL disposition questionnaire. The study showed that the PBL method improved the learning of mathematics concepts among pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers also showed a positive disposition (interest, belief, and attitude) toward the PBL intervention. The authors advocated for the conduct of a longitudinal study to understand the direction of change over time.

Keywords: Mathematics education, problem-based learning, small-group activity.


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